Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Classification of Generators

The field windings provide the excitation necessary to set up the magnetic fields in the machine. There are various types of field windings . Depending upon the field there are two types of generators.

(a) Separately-excited generators

(b) Self-excited generators.

Self excited generators are classified according to there field connection. There are mainly three types of self excited generator.

I. Series
II. Shunt
III. Compound

Compound generators are classified as

a) cumulative-compound
b) Differential-compound

Series : In the series-connected generator, all of the current from the generator is passed through the field windings because the external circuit is in series.

Shunt : Another way to excite the field magnets is to connect them in parallel with the load . This type of generator is commonly called a shunt generator.

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